JoinedTopics Started by I<3MYGod
Another visit
by MrFreeze inwell i've just had another visit with a eldurrrr.
i haven't been sleeping well.
i finally get a good sleep going and a couple hours later my stepdad wakes me up to tell me i have a visitor.
Update:Elders still using passive/agressive & Confrontation with JW mom
by Coffee House Girl inwell, i am glad my brother called and forwarned me this was comming...i got to come on here and get so much good advise from you people.
it actually started friday nite....my door bell was buzzing at 7pm, this time they parked their car so that they thought i couldn't see it but i climbed up my kitchen counter and could see the rear end of the car by peeking out that window.
it was the same elder as before.. an hour after that: must be mom couldn't stand it anymore & she called me crying.
jehovahs witnesses giving a "bad witness "
by looloo ini was talking to a workmate yesterday about my jw experiance and my daughters abuse , she told me that she works as a counsellor and had been discussing jws with a colleage , this person had given counselling to a jw woman who was a victim of domestic violence by her jw husband , the elders had done nothing to help the woman and simply told her to stop moaning about it !
the counseller was disgusted that in this day and age women are still treated like that !
the jw lady eventually left her husband , took the children with her and got disfellowshipped !!!!
Are they really that bad???
by anonymous4 inhad a good look into the doctrine, beliefs and practices of jws and to be honest, i don't really see anything wrong with it at all.. it's biblical and i've had such an eye opener the past year or so reading some of their books and magazines .
is there really any real reasons why i shouldn't want to get involved further?
What % of current JWs sincerely believe Armageddon will come within the next 30 years?
by jj123jj123 injust to give you a little background about myself, i was a born-in, i'm in my late 20's now, i faded away a few years ago after researching the history of the wtbs on the internet.
my fade was aided by moving away with my job(i definately feel lucky about that).
eventually, i had discussions with a couple of my closer jw friends about why i no longer believed in the wtbs.
How many reasons can you think of for a worldly not to join the Watchtower?
by dgp innot that i'm joining .
District Assembly Dramas - where the heck do they come from?
by babygirl30 indespite growing up a jw i was always curious where this corny plays came from?
my best memories of them were when they used to turn the lights out in the convention center - cause that meant i could sleep!!!
but seriously, who writes them?
I need Help.............
by rollercoaster inokay hi.
i'm new here and i kinda like it but i do have some question have any of you grown up in the truth and then some were along the line stop going to meeting well i did i found out about some stuff the organization was doing and it really disapointed me and also the congregations i have been in haven't been very confornting so if any of you have some you want to talk about or you have been through the same i would really like to hear from you .
R U disfellowshipped 2
by DFshipped inhi people.
i am a df'd person hoping to return to the fold.
i am not critical of the decision to df me nor of the loving organization i believe to be in the palm of jesus hand.. i would find it most encouraging to hear from others who feel the same and would like to "hold hands" on the way back.. this board is hailed as a supportive respectful place so if you do not fit this description may i ask you to move on and not hinder the participants here in following their god given right to pursue their goal.